Final Decree of Divorce

By far the most complex document that will come out of your Texas divorce, the Final Decree of Divorce is the culmination of the hard work that you and your spouse put into your case. These are the final orders that resulted from some combination of information settlement negotiations, formal settlement negotiations in mediation or a trial. The document begins by restating who is “covered” by the orders in this document: your name, your spouse’s name and any children’s names who are under the age of 18.

You will state in the Final Decree of Divorce whether or not each party was present for a final hearing or whether all the appropriate documents to that point had been filed to officially notify the court that he or she had been served and notified properly of the divorce filing. The Final Decree of Divorce will note how jurisdiction was established. Importantly, a court cannot make rulings on your divorce without having the authority to do so.

Any orders that cover children will need to be listed within the Final Decree of Divorce. Child custody, possession, conservatorship, visitation, child support and a parenting plan are examples of the information that must be included in the Final Decree of Divorce. You will need to include specific and detailed information on each of these subjects if the Final Decree of Divorce is typed out. If you are utilizing the enclosed form, exhibits for each subject area must be included.

The other main area covered by a Final Decree of Divorce is the division of your marital property. Each of you and your spouse likely own separate property that will be listed in detail, as well. The manner in which you all have had your community property divided will be disclosed within the form. Pay close attention and do not miss any details when it comes to community property. It is very difficult to come back to court in the event a mistake is made regarding community property division.

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