1422 Eugene Cir, Courtroom 3H Richmond, Texas 77469
Judge Janet B. Heppard
Republican Party
- 2018 Election
- In office January 1, 2019-December 2022.
- Bachelor in Geology and Geophysics, Wright State University 1981
- Summa Cum Laude
- Juris Doctor & Masters of Business Administration, University of Houston 1993
Previous Experience:
- Geophysicist at Amoco Production Company in Houston, Texas for 8 years.
- Solo practitioner 1993-1995
- Staff attorney-UHLC Clinical Program 1995-2019
- Family law and free legal services to low-income individuals.
- Promoted to Clinic Director in 2008. Promoted again to Full Clinical Professor in 2019.
- Longevity of Exemplary Service to the Houston Bar Association Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program every year since 1995
- Award of Merit from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children for work on Hague Convention Cases
- Lonestar Legal Aid “Most Litigated Pro Bono Cases” Award,
- Lonestar Legal Aid Community Partner Award,
- Ethel M Baker Faculty Award for leadership promoting greater interaction between the University and the local community.
- Houston Bar Association
- Houston Burta Rhoads Raburn Family Law Inns of Court.
Associate Judge Richard “Rick” T. Bell
- September 2016
Previous Experience:
- Richard Thomas Bell & Associates 1997-2016
- Bachelor of Arts, Southwestern University 1994
- Juris Doctor, Sotuh Texas College of Law 1997
For more information about this court and other courts around the Greater Houston Metropolitan area, please contact:
Law Clerk at Law Office of Bryan Fagan PLLC
(281) 810-9760