As part of your divorce case, you and your spouse will have an opportunity to negotiate the terms associated with temporary orders. Temporary Orders go into effect for the duration of your divorce and allow you and your spouse to have some boundaries set for the case. For instance, determining temporary custody of your children, temporary child support as well as the maintenance of health insurance are all essential decisions that will be made within this document. The catch is, of course, that you and your spouse actually have to come to an agreement on these issues. The failure to come to an agreement on these sort of topics will mean a trip to the courthouse for a contested temporary orders hearing.
The nice thing about the agreed temporary orders form provided by the State of Texas is that it leaves little to chance. You can designate who gets temporary possession of your home, your automobiles and furniture. If you have specific bills that need to be divided between the two of you then you all can designate those bills to be paid and by whom in the agreed temporary orders. Finally, if there are specific actions that you want to prevent your spouse from doing during the case then you can specify those in the agreed temporary orders. For example, many parents will bar one another from removing the children from school without the permission of the other parent.
Once you all have agreements in place, you will sign the form along with your attorneys. That form can be filed with the court and presented to the court for a judge’s signature. You may to file a motion to enter agreed temporary orders depending on the court so that the order can make it in front of the judge without a hearing or courtroom appearance, however.