How Long Do Custody Cases Last in Texas?

How Long Do Custody Cases Last in Texas?

Short Answer: There’s no one-size-fits-all timeframe for a custody battle. It can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on various factors. But fear not! We’re here […]

Helping you find a custody plan that works for you

Helping you find a custody plan that works for you

When it comes to a custody plan, one size definitely doesn’t fit all. Every family has its own needs, challenges, and goals—especially during life changes like divorce or separation. Crafting […]

Common Reasons a Mother Loses Custody in Texas

Reasons a mother loses custody in Texas

Imagine sitting in a cozy coffee shop, overhearing a conversation about a mother losing custody of her child in Texas. It’s a shocking reality, but yes, it can happen! From neglect and substance abuse to mental health issues and violating court orders, the reasons are complex and multifaceted. Understanding these factors is crucial for any mother navigating custody battles. In this guide, we’ll explore the serious allegations and subtle challenges that can impact custody rights, providing insights and real-life examples to help you protect what matters most—your child’s well-being. Keep reading to arm yourself with knowledge!