Does your custody order need to be modified?

Navigating Child Custody Modifications in Texas

Child custody matters are at the heart of family law, encompassing intricate legal processes and emotional complexities. In the state of Texas, parents often find themselves in situations where the […]

Child Support and Joint Custody in Texas: What You Need to Know

Does Anyone Pay Child Support in Joint Custody?

Are you wondering if child support is required in joint custody arrangements in Texas? The answer might surprise you! Even when both parents share custody, child support can still be mandated to ensure the child’s financial needs are met. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the complexities of co-parenting, covering everything from calculating child support payments to understanding joint custody in Texas. With our help, you’ll be equipped to navigate the challenges and joys of joint custody like a pro. Keep reading to learn more!

Changing your Texas child custody order

Times change. Additionally, circumstances involving you and your family also change. Trying to live up to a court order that is six months or six years old can be a […]