Credit Card Abuse Exposed
What is the Texas law about Credit Card or Debit Card Abuse? In Texas, Credit Card or Debit Card Abuse is governed by Section 32.31 of the Texas Penal Code. […]
What happens if your spouse doesn’t pay a credit card bill after your Texas divorce?
When dealing with credit cards and divorce in Texas, the consequences of your spouse failing to pay a credit card bill can quickly jeopardize your financial stability. Even if your […]
How Credit Cards and Debts Are Handled in a Texas Divorce
When contemplating divorce, many people naturally focus on concerns like children and property, such as the family home, vehicles, and vacation homes. However, it’s equally important to address debts in […]
3 Ways That Divorce Can Impact Your Credit in Texas
In today’s day and age, almost every American uses credit to one extent or another. Credit refers to your ability to borrow and repay money. Talk to different people and […]