How to Divorce a Spouse in the Military

Military Divorce: How to File in Texas with the Help of a Lawyer

The complexities of military divorces can be overwhelming, as highlighted by a recent call received by the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. The caller, the spouse of an active-duty […]

How VA Benefits are Impacted in a Texas Divorce

How VA Benefits are impacted in a Texas divorce

Picture this: Captain John, a seasoned veteran with a distinguished military career, navigates the intricate path of divorce. Standing steadfastly by his side is Sarah, his loyal companion, both preparing […]

Q and A regarding a military divorce

Wrangling Your Own Destiny DIY Divorce in Texas

Even though you and/or your spouse are in the military that does not mean that you will be divorced by a military court. Rather, if you are a resident of […]

Examining Military Divorce Law in Texas

If You Need Spousal Maintenance After Your Texas Divorce Be Sure to Read This Blog Post

Most of the blog posts you will find here on the website for the Law Office of Bryan Fagan center around civilian divorces. A civilian divorce usually features two people […]

Examining Military Divorce Law in Texas

Most of the blog posts you will find here on the website for the Law Office of Bryan Fagan center around civilian divorces. A civilian divorce usually features two people […]