
Texas Parenting Plans 101: Building a Strong Co-Parenting Foundation for Your Child’s Future

Navigating the complex world of parenting after a separation or divorce can be challenging, but with the right tools and resources, it’s possible to create a harmonious co-parenting relationship that prioritizes your child’s best interests. In Texas, a comprehensive parenting plan provides a solid foundation for a successful co-parenting arrangement, as it outlines everything from custody arrangements to visitation schedules. However, crafting a plan that truly serves your child’s needs requires that both parents have a clear understanding of the guidelines set forth by the Lone Star State and a willingness to collaborate and compromise to ensure that they can effectively co-parent their children even if their relationship has broken down.

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of designing a parenting plan that focuses on your child’s current and future well-being. We’ll explore the various elements of a successful plan that meets the legal requirements and provisions in Texas, including how to handle parenting time schedules for families living at different distances apart, and how to ensure your plan remains flexible and adaptable as your children grow and their needs evolve.

You must also appreciate that having a comprehensive plan that both parties agree on is merely a start of a long journey ahead, as such plans need to be implemented in practice and potentially modified to accommodate changes in circumstances. We’ll also share real-life examples and stories from families who have successfully navigated the complexities of co-parenting in Texas, offering insights and inspiration to help you create a plan that truly works for your family and your unique situation. We’ll discuss the role of communication and cooperation in fostering a positive co-parenting relationship and the importance of involving your child in the decision-making process when appropriate.

Finally, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to crafting a parenting plan in Texas, from gathering the necessary information to submitting your plan to the court for approval. Along the way, we’ll highlight valuable resources and support options that can help you navigate the process with confidence and ease, setting your child up for a bright and promising future.

So, buckle up and get ready for an engaging and informative ride through the world of parenting plans in Texas. With our guidance and your commitment to working with your co-parent, you’ll be well on your way to designing a plan that puts your child in the epicenter of all decisions and ensures their prosperous future.

The Texas Two-step: Parenting Time Schedules

In the Lone Star State, crafting a parenting time schedule is a crucial component of any parenting plan, as it provides a clear roadmap for when and how your child will spend time with each parent.

A well-thought-out schedule not only fosters a sense of stability and routine for your child but also helps minimize conflicts and misunderstandings between co-parents. In this section, we’ll explore the nuances of parenting time schedules in Texas based on different distances between the parents’ homes, which can greatly impact the feasibility of different arrangements.

Parents living 50 miles apart or less

When parents live within 50 miles of each other, and one parent is the primary caregiver (i.e., the children live in that parent’s home permanently and attend school locally) it’s generally easier to maintain a consistent and balanced visitation schedule that enables your child to spend quality time with both parents. In these situations, the Texas Standard Possession Order (SPO) typically provides a good starting point for designing your parenting time schedule. The SPO outlines a visitation arrangement that includes the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends of each month and a midweek visit for the noncustodial parent.

This schedule should be supplemented with clear specifications regarding the time children spend with both parents during holidays, school breaks, and on other special occasions. However, keeping the lines of communication open and being willing to compromise is essential, as even well-crafted plans may need to be changed occasionally. Still, most parents living within 50 miles of each other can create a flexible and accommodating schedule that meets their child’s needs while respecting each parent’s preferences and schedules.

Parents living 51 to 100 miles apart

When parents live relatively far away (51 to 100 miles apart), maintaining a relationship with the child can be more challenging for the noncustodial parent. In such cases, designing a parenting time schedule requires more creativity and flexibility, but the SPO can still serve as a helpful framework. In particular, adjustments may need to be made to accommodate the additional travel time and logistical challenges associated with greater distances.

One option for parents in this situation is to extend weekend visitations. For example, if practical, the noncustodial parent can collect the child from school on Friday and bring them back on Monday morning. This approach allows for more quality time together while minimizing the back-and-forth travel required for shorter visits. Additionally, longer school breaks and holidays can be divided more equitably to ensure both parents have ample opportunities for extended time with their child.

Parents living over 100 miles apart

When parents live more than 100 miles apart, the challenges associated with crafting a parenting time schedule become even more pronounced. In these cases, it’s crucial to prioritize extended visits during school breaks, holidays, and other special occasions to ensure that both parents maintain a strong relationship with their child.

The SPO provides a framework for long-distance parenting time, which often includes longer visitation periods during the summer months and alternating holidays and school breaks. However, it’s important to tailor your parenting time schedule to the specific needs and preferences of your child and your co-parent. This may involve leveraging technology for virtual visits, being proactive in making travel arrangements, and maintaining open lines of communication.

The key factors to consider depending on the distance between parents are outlined in the table below.

Distance Between Parents

Parenting Time Schedules

Key Considerations

Under 50 Miles

– Texas Standard Possession Order (SPO) as a starting point

– 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends of each month

– Midweek visits

– Consistency and routine

– Open communication

– Compromise on holidays and special events

51 to 100 Miles

– SPO with adjustments

– Extended weekend visitation (e.g., from Friday after school to Monday morning)

– Creativity and flexibility

– Equitable division of school breaks and holidays

Over 100 Miles

– SPO for long-distance parenting

– Longer visitation periods during summer months

– Alternating holidays and school breaks

– Prioritize extended visits

– Leverage technology

– Proactive planning

As indicated above, for co-parents living in Texas within 50 miles of each other, the Texas Standard Possession Order (SPO) is the good starting point for establishing a consistent and balanced visitation schedule which can be tailored to their specific circumstances.

For parents that reside 51 to 100 miles apart, adjustments to the SPO are necessary to accommodate travel time and logistical challenges, with the emphasis on flexibility and equitable division of school breaks and holidays, as the noncustodial parent will have fewer opportunities to spend quality time with the child during an average week.

Establishing a visitation schedule would be particularly challenging for parents living over 100 miles apart, as it will be impractical for children to travel such a long distance regularly. In these cases, extended visits will be a priority, while regular communication should be maintained through video calls and leveraging other technology. These arrangements will require proactive planning to maintain strong parent−child relationships despite the distance. Understanding these variations in parenting time schedules and their unique considerations is essential in crafting a parenting plan that effectively meets the needs of both parents and their child.

Everything’s Bigger in Tex as: Parenting Plan and Agreement Guidelines

In Texas, as parenting plans are the foundation of successful co-parenting relationships, these documents should be comprehensive and should outline not only custody and visitation arrangements but also guidelines for communication, decision-making, and dispute resolution between parents. Therefore, creating a thorough parenting plan requires a deep understanding of Texas law as well as an ability to anticipate potential challenges and conflicts that may arise as your child grows and your circumstances evolve. In this section, we’ll explore the critical components of a Texas parenting plan, as well as the legal requirements and provisions that must be included to ensure the plan meets the state’s guidelines.

Information Required in a Texas Parenting Plan

A comprehensive parenting plan in Texas must include specific information about both parents and their child. This information serves as the basis for the custody and visitation arrangements outlined in the plan and helps to ensure that the child’s best interests are prioritized. Thus, at the minimum, the plan should specify:

  • The full names and contact information of both parents
  • The child’s full name, date of birth, and place of residence
  • A detailed description of the child’s living arrangements, including the physical custody and visitation schedule
  • A clear outline of the decision-making process for major aspects of the child’s life, such as education, health care, and extracurricular activities
  • A communication plan that addresses how the parents will communicate with each other and their child, as well as how information about the child will be shared

Standard Provisions in a Parenting Plan

In addition to the required information outlined above, to help ensure that the plan is legally binding and enforceable while addressing common challenges and conflicts that may arise in a co-parenting relationship, every Texas parenting plan should contain several standard provisions such as:

  • An agreement to follow the parenting plan and to make decisions in the child’s best interest
  • A dispute resolution process to address conflicts that may arise between the parents, such as mediation or arbitration
  • A plan for modifying or updating the parenting plan as needed to accommodate changes in the child’s needs, the parents’ circumstances, or the laws of Texas
  • A requirement for each parent to notify the other of any significant changes in their contact information, living arrangements, or other relevant circumstances
  • A statement that both parents have read and understand the parenting plan and agree to its terms

Additional Provisions to Consider

While the standard provisions provide a solid foundation for a Texas parenting plan, it should also include additional provisions pertaining to your family’s unique needs and circumstances. These provisions can help to further customize your plan and minimize potential conflicts, and may include:

  • Guidelines for introducing new romantic partners to the child
  • Rules for parental relocation and the impact on the custody and visitation schedule
  • A plan for sharing expenses related to the child’s upbringing, such as education, health care, and extracurricular activities
  • Agreements regarding religious upbringing and cultural traditions
  • Guidelines for social media use and the sharing of the child’s information and photos online

By incorporating these and other tailored provisions into your parenting plan, you can create a document that truly reflects the needs and values of your family, providing a strong foundation for a successful co-parenting relationship in Texas.

The Yellow Rose of Texas: Making a Parenting Plan

Creating a parenting plan in Texas is crucial for divorcing or separated parents seeking to establish a solid foundation for co-parenting their child. A well-designed parenting plan provides clear guidelines for custody and visitation arrangements and sets the stage for effective communication and collaboration between parents. In this section, we’ll discuss the process of creating a parenting plan in Texas, including the factors to consider, the importance of compromise, and the tools available to help you craft a plan that best serves your child’s and your family’s needs.

Factors the Court Considers When Deciding on a Plan

As in Texas all parenting plans need to be approved by the court, when drafting them co-parents should bear in mind that the Texas courts prioritize the best interests of the child above all else. Therefore, even if co-parents agree on a specific schedule, it may not be approved by the court, which will consider the following factors in the evaluation:

  • The emotional, physical, and developmental needs of the child
  • The stability of each parent’s home environment
  • The child’s existing relationships with both parents, siblings, and other family members
  • Each parent’s ability and willingness to foster a positive relationship between the child and the other parent
  • The parents’ ability to communicate and make joint decisions regarding the child’s welfare

A parenting plan that addresses these factors is more likely to be accepted by the court and serve your child’s best interests.

The Importance of Compromise

Although compromise can be challenging following a relationship breakdown, when developing a parenting plan both parents need to be willing to set aside their differences and focus on the well-being of their child. This proactive stance will allow them to craft a parenting plan that meets the legal standards and reflects their child’s current and future needs. This may involve making concessions on visitation schedules, decision-making processes, and other aspects of the plan. By approaching the creation of your parenting plan with a spirit of collaboration aimed at fostering a productive co-parenting relationship that is in your child’s best interests, you can find a common ground and find a solution that benefits everyone involved.

Tools for Crafting Your Parenting Plan

Fortunately, parents in the process of creating a parenting plan in Texas have numerous tools and resources at their disposal, including :

  • Online templates and guides: Numerous websites offer templates and guidance for creating parenting plans that meet Texas legal requirements. By using these resources as a starting point for your bespoke plan, you can ensure that it includes all necessary information and provisions.
  • Parenting coordinators and mediators: These professionals can help facilitate communication and negotiation between parents, assisting in the development of a mutually agreeable parenting plan.
  • Family law attorneys: Experienced attorneys can provide invaluable insight into the legal requirements for parenting plans in Texas and advise on strategies for addressing unique family circumstances and potential conflicts.

By leveraging these tools and resources, you can create a parenting plan that not only meets the legal requirements of Texas but also effectively addresses the needs and preferences of your child and your family. Moreover, by committing to its effective implementation in practice, you will create a strong foundation for successful co-parenting and a brighter future for your child.

Crafting a Parenting Plan That Embraces Holidays and Special Occasions

In Texas, parenting plans need to include detailed provisions for holidays and special occasions, as both parents need to share these memorable events with their children. This not only helps build lasting connections and strengthen familial bonds, but also facilitates equitable distribution of co-parenting time. Thus, as you develop your parenting plan, it’s essential to give due consideration to holidays and seasonal breaks and devise a balanced schedule that accommodates both parents’ and the child’s needs.

In particular, specific schedules should be made for major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, and other celebrations that are significant for your family. You should also consider other special occasions like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, your child’s birthday, and any other events that you anticipate in the future in which both parents would wish to participate. Depending on their specific circumstances, parents may choose to alternate holidays each year, divide the holiday time equally, or establish fixed holiday arrangements based on family traditions and preferences to create a fair and balanced schedule.

In addition to holidays, your parenting plan should include seasonal breaks from school, such as summer and spring breaks, as this is an opportunity for each parent to spend quality time with the child, fostering deeper connections. You can divide this time evenly between both parents, or allocate specific portions of the break to each parent based on their work schedules and availability.

By providing a detailed schedule for holidays and seasonal breaks in your parenting plan, you will promote a harmonious co-parenting relationship and ensure your child enjoys meaningful experiences with both parents throughout the year.


Summer breaks are an opportunity for extended visitation, especially for parents who live more than 100 miles apart. Consider dividing the summer vacation between both parents, allowing each parent to have uninterrupted time with the child. However, you should also be flexible, as any travel plans or summer camps may lead to scheduling conflicts. Here, timely and open communication is the key, as both parties will be more willing to compromise if changes to pre-defined visitations are not made without prior consultation.

Spring Break

Spring break is another opportunity for extended visitation. In Texas, the SPO typically grants the noncustodial parent possession during spring break in even-numbered years, while the custodial parent has possession during odd-numbered years. However, you can customize your parenting plan to fit your family’s needs and preferences.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are special occasions that should be acknowledged in your parenting plan. It’s common for children to spend Mother’s Day with their mother and Father’s Day with their father, regardless of the regular possession schedule. Similar rules should apply for parents’ and any significant extended family members’ birthdays, as these are valuable opportunities for building happy memories with the child.


Children’s birthdays are memorable events that should be marked by celebrations with both parents. If this is not practical, arrangements can be made so that parents alternate years, or the child can spend half the day with each parent. When co-parents have a cordial relationship, it is also possible to attend birthday celebrations jointly.

Other Holidays

Most co-parents find that alternating major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter is more practical than splitting each holiday based on a pre-determined schedule. Still, whatever arrangement you find most suitable for your circumstances, it is important to allow each parent to share special occasions with their child while providing a sense of stability and routine.

Distance Under 100 Miles vs. Over 100 Miles: Adapting Your Parenting Plan

Whether you live under or over 100 miles apart, adapting your parenting plan to suit your family’s needs is crucial. Here are some considerations for each scenario:

Parents living under 100 miles apart

  1. Prioritize consistency and routine by adhering to the SPO’s guidelines for visitation
  2. Encourage regular communication between the child and the noncustodial parent
  3. Be flexible with scheduling to accommodate each parent’s work and personal commitments

Parents living over 100 miles apart

  1. Plan for extended visits with the noncustodial parent during school breaks and holidays
  2. Utilize technology to allow the noncustodial parent to maintain regular communication with the child
  3. Coordinate schedules to ensure that both parents have the opportunity to attend important events and milestones in the child’s life

In Conclusion: A Texas-sized Parenting Plan for Your Child’s Future

Creating a parenting plan in Texas can feel like wrangling a wild bull, but with the right approach and a focus on your child’s best interests, you can design a plan that sets them up for success. Remember to be flexible, communicate openly with your co-parent, and consider your child’s needs at every step of the process.

By following Texas guidelines and incorporating your family’s unique needs, you can create a parenting plan that fosters strong relationships, promotes stability, and prepares your child for a bright and successful future deep in the heart of Texas.

Building a Supportive Co-parenting Relationship

A positive and supportive co-parenting relationship is essential for designing a successful parenting plan in Texas. Here are some tips to help you navigate the challenges of co-parenting and maintain a healthy dynamic:

  1. Set boundaries and establish clear lines of communication
  2. Make sure to keep discussions focused on your child’s needs and well-being
  3. Show mutual respect and avoid speaking negatively about the other parent in front of your child
  4. Be open to compromise and remain flexible when it comes to scheduling changes
  5. Keep each other informed about your child’s progress, milestones, and any issues that may arise

Enlisting the Help of Professionals

If you’re struggling to create a parenting plan or manage your co-parenting relationship, consider seeking the help of a mediator or family therapist. These professionals can provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help you navigate the complexities of parenting after a separation or divorce. In addition, they can help you address any conflicts or communication issues that may arise between you and your co-parent.

Parenting Plan Reviews and Updates

As your child grows and their needs change, you will need to review and update your parenting plan. When making these revisions, you should consider changes in school schedules, extracurricular activities, or your child’s evolving needs, as well as any changes in the co-parents’ lives. Prior to making any petition for parenting plan revisions, it is prudent to discuss any issues with your co-parent and remain flexible, as the aim is to ensure your parenting plan continues to serve your child’s best interests.

Involving Your Child in the Process

Consider involving your child in the decision-making process surrounding your parenting plan when appropriate. As your child grows and matures, start discussing any decisions regarding their care and living arrangements, and always provide them with a safe space to express their thoughts and feelings about the parenting plan. This may not be suitable for young children, but older kids and teenagers can benefit from having their voices heard and their opinions considered.

Final Thoughts: The Future Is Bright

Designing a parenting plan in Texas might seem like a daunting task. Still, with the right mindset, cooperation, and support, you can create a plan that benefits your child and fosters a strong co-parenting relationship. By taking the time to understand Texas guidelines, considering your family’s unique needs, and working with your co-parent, you’ll ensure that your child transitions to the new life with ease, as well as set them up for a future filled with love, support, and endless opportunities.

Even though family breakup is difficult for most children, you can ensure that their future is bright by having a solid parenting plan in place, and by adhering to all its stipulations, while remaining open and flexible, as circumstances will inevitably change. Remember, the ultimate goal of any co-parenting arrangement is to provide your child with a stable and nurturing living environment that allows them to thrive. So take a deep breath, put on your cowboy boots, and get ready to embark on this important journey together with your co-parent.

coparenting resources
  1. How a Parenting Class Can Help Me and My Ex-spouse Co-parent in Texas?
  2. How to Co Parent with an Addict Ex-Spouse
  3. Co parenting when you and your children live in different states
  4. Grandparent Visitation Rights in Texas?
  5. What are grandparents’ rights with regards to visitation in Texas?
  6. What is Conflicted Co-Parenting?
  7. What Are The Three Types of Co-parenting?
  8. Texas Parenting Plans 101: Building a Strong Co-Parenting Foundation for Your Child’s Future
  9. Co-Parenting with an Abusive Ex-Spouse
  10. Mastering the art of co-parenting after divorce
  11. Social distancing and Co-parenting: What to do if your Co-parent refuses to obey social distancing orders
  12. Co-parenting after a divorce: Can it be done?
  13. Co-parenting made easy (well, easier, at least) in Texas
  14. Concerned about co-parenting after a divorce with a narcissistic ex-spouse? Read this blog post
  15. Post-Divorce Anger Issues: Co-parenting advice in difficult circumstances
  16. Preparing for the end and immediate time period after your Texas divorce

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