Imagine this scenario: You return home from work, anticipating a warm reception and a tranquil evening with your spouse. However, you’re greeted with a cold stare and the abrupt declaration, “Leave! It’s over!” Your heart plummets as countless questions flood your thoughts. Has my wife really kicked me out of the house? What happens to our possessions? And what about the children?
You’ve come to the right place if you’re grappling with these heart-wrenching uncertainties. In this article, we’re going to explore Texas divorce when your wife kicks you out of the house. So, buckle up and get ready for an adventure through the labyrinth of community property, child custody battles, and legal strategies.
Short Answer: Can my wife kick me out of the house in Texas? Yes, but it’s not the end of the story. Legal protections and strategies are available to safeguard your rights and interests. Keep reading to discover the ins and outs of Texas divorce. Find guidance on how to navigate this challenging situation.
Reasons to Keep Reading:
- Texas Laws Unveiled: We’ll dive into the unique laws governing marital property division in Texas. Discover why possession is not always nine-tenths of the law and how community property rules can protect your rights, even if you’re locked out of the house.
- A Custody Tug-of-War: Children are often caught in the crossfire when spouses part ways. We’ll explore the specifics of child custody and visitation rights in Texas, shedding light on various custody arrangements and the factors considered by the court. Ensure you make informed decisions that prioritize the well-being of your children.
- Temporary Orders and Your Battle Plan: When the going gets tough, temporary orders come to the rescue. Learn what they are, how to obtain them, and how they address critical issues like child custody, visitation, and spousal support. Equip yourself with the tools to protect your immediate needs during the divorce process.
- Safety First: Protective Orders: Domestic violence should never be tolerated. We’ll discuss the importance of protective orders and how they can provide a shield of legal protection for you and your children. Understand the steps to take when facing such distressing circumstances.
- Mediation: Finding Common Ground: Want to avoid a courtroom drama? We’ll introduce you to the wonders of mediation, a less adversarial approach to resolving disputes. Discover the benefits, the process, and how it can help you find common ground with your spouse, even in the midst of turmoil.
- Money Matters: Finances can make or break a divorce. Gain insights into the financial considerations of divorce, including property division, support, and debts. Learn about the nuances of community property and separate property, and how they impact the allocation of assets.
- Your Trusted Ally: Legal Representation: Don’t navigate the treacherous waters of divorce alone. We’ll discuss the importance of seeking legal representation and guide you on choosing the right attorney. Find out how they can help you understand the legal process, protect your rights, and negotiate on your behalf.
- Fault, Fairness, and the Courtroom: Discover the role of fault in Texas divorce proceedings. We’ll shed light on how fault can influence property division, alimony, and child custody determinations. Understand the factors the court considers when assessing the impact of fault.
- Enforcing Your Rights: Court Orders in Action: Court orders are your allies in ensuring fair treatment. Uncover the remedies available if your spouse refuses to comply with court orders. Learn how to protect your rights, property, and access to your belongings during the divorce process.
- Support Beyond the Legal Realm: Divorce can be emotionally challenging, and you’re not alone in this journey. We’ll explore the available legal resources and support services, from pro bono assistance to counseling and support groups. Discover the allies who can provide guidance, comfort, and a listening ear.
So, if you’re seeking clarity amidst the chaos of being kicked out of your own home, keep reading. We’ve got your back and will guide you through the maze of Texas divorce, armed with knowledge, strategies, and a touch of humor. Let’s reclaim your rights, protect your future, and emerge stronger on the other side.
When Your Wife Kicks You Out: Navigating the Wild World of Texas Divorce
Are you concerned with whether your spouse can throw all your belongings out on the front lawn, change the locks to the front door, and effectively bar you from ever entering your house again? Depending upon the circumstances you are facing in your case this may be a real-life Consideration for you to consider. This type of thing happens in movies and television shows regarding marital infidelity or other troubles. Is it something you should consider as a real possibility for your situation?
There is something about divorce that can cause us to think about the most extreme possible circumstances. When times are good and normal, we could probably chuckle to ourselves about the idea of our spouse throwing us out of the house and throwing our belongings out with us. That would seem too far-fetched to ever happen. However, when facing a real-life circumstance like a divorce, these scenarios for whatever reason seem more likely to happen. As such, here you are on the blog of a family law attorney trying to learn more about whether your spouse can kick you out of the house and prevent you from accessing your belongings and more importantly your children.
Texas is a community property state
I think it is important to begin an analysis of this question by stating that Texas is a community property state. We have all heard the old expression that possession is nine-tenths of the law. This would seem to mean that he or she who holds property physically is the owner of the property. In some states in the country, there is some truth to this.
However, Texas is a community property state. If you purchased or acquired the property during your marriage, it likely falls under division in the divorce. The physical holder of the property, the name on the title documents, or the source of income for the purchase do not influence this outcome. The timing of the purchase or acquisition is what matters. This aspect is crucial when discussing your spouse kicking you out of the house.
As long as you purchased the house during your marriage, its acquisition during this time classifies it as community property, necessitating its division in the divorce, regardless of your current access to the home. Changing the locks and kicking you out does not affect this. The divorce proceedings will not conclude without addressing the division or handling of the house. If your spouse kicks you out and denies you entry, you should avoid extreme measures to re-enter.
Being kicked out is undoubtedly painful. Moreover, your spouse’s actions may block your access to important documents, your computer, and even your children, which is unfair and impacts your perception of fairness in the divorce process. However, this doesn’t justify sneaking back into the house, breaking in, or engaging in any harmful actions towards yourself or your spouse. Texas Community Property laws protect you against such seizure of your property and ensure you can account for your ownership, regardless of wrongful barriers to entering your home.
Separate property considerations in a Texas Divorce
Additionally, you must also bear in mind that you and your spouse will likely own separate property purchased or acquired before your marriage or acquired by either gift or inheritance during the marriage. These types of property will not be subject to division in the divorce. Suppose there is any question about the nature of the property being separate or community. In that case, you will need to be able to show a court that you have purchased the property or acquired the property before your marriage or during your marriage by gift or inheritance. Otherwise, the property will be subject to division in the divorce.
The bottom line for separate and Community property considerations is that it does not matter what a bank account says as far as a name or whether you kept your income from work separate from your spouses.
As long as you earned the income during your marriage, it will likely classify as Community Property. You have the option to store this money in a joint account with your spouse’s income or in a separate account. Regardless of the income’s storage location or whether it commingles with your spouse’s income, Community Property rules apply.
This information might shock many readers of this blog post. In free consultations at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, I often hear people express the belief that keeping money separate from their spouse means it would classify as separate property or escape division.
Additionally, presumption that because you earned certain sums of money, the money will necessarily follow you after the divorce is not likely to be true. I can see why you and others may hold this belief, but the laws of Texas do not see it that way.
What to do if your spouse kicks you out of the house
If you are facing a situation where your spouse has either threatened to kick you out of the house or has done so, you need to think about your options and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. Probably the most important consideration for you to make is whether you have children. If you do have kids, remaining in the family house probably means much more to you than if you did not. Your home is where your kids are. So, being able to spend time with them in the house is probably the most important item on your mind. Being kicked out of the house would mean that you would have limited access to your kids.
Your spouse may approach you and ask if you are willing to leave the house. This would most likely happen if you were the father of your children. I have seen men time and time again agree to leave the house to increase the level of peace and calm while not doing anything brash or otherwise provoking anger on the part of their spouse. You may rationalize the decision to leave the home as being in the best interest of your kids. Not wanting your kids to see fighting or other discord in the home may be enough motivation for you to determine that getting out of the house is a great idea.
However, you should also think about whether to voluntarily leave the home from a strategic perspective. For one, when it comes to custody and conservatorships issues willingly leaving your children with your Co. May make sense to you at the time but ultimately could prove to be a negative for you. This is because a family court judge could look at you leaving the home as unwilling or unable to care for your children. This may be the furthest thing from the truth, but it can look like you have less of a concern for the well-being of your children than you would otherwise care to believe.
For example, let’s think about the situation from the perspective of a parent like you who wants to be able to become the primary caretaker of your children both during and after the divorce. If you willingly leave the home, you are willingly giving up primary child-rearing responsibilities to your spouse. This can be extremely detrimental to your chances of becoming the primary conservator of your children. From an outsider’s perspective, willingly leaving the home may imply a lack of commitment to taking on the primary responsibility of raising your kids. While this may not be true, it can give that impression in certain circumstances to certain judges. As such, you should be careful about leaving the home even if you believe it is potentially short-term beneficial.
Another consideration for you to think about is how you’re leaving the home can impact what happens with the house and your divorce. Voluntarily leaving the house doesn’t prevent you from making an argument for being awarded the house in a divorce. However, it certainly does not help the argument. The logistics of you’re getting back into the house can prove to be difficult, as well. This is especially true if you have found another place to live and are renting a home or apartment during the divorce. On many levels, it just makes sense for you to remain out of the house if you have voluntarily left.
Leaving the house voluntarily also implies that you may not be permitted to return until after the divorce, if at all. It involves leaving behind your family and personal belongings, such as clothing and other essentials. If you do leave the house voluntarily, make sure that you have an opportunity to collect any belongings of yours. This is important not only on a day-to-day level but also regarding being able to make sure that you have documents and other information that could be important for your divorce.
Whatever documents or information in the house you do not collect would be necessary for your divorce, you may very well need to be able to request those documents informally through your spouse’s attorney or even through the discovery process. It would be a shame to have to wait for information to be obtained through discovery when you otherwise would have had access to it simply by taking documents from the house that belong to you. This does not mean that you should take things that do not belong to you or certainly not destroy things no matter what. However, it can be difficult to think about these subjects as you plan on leaving the home.
The bottom line is that there are many important considerations to start thinking about when it comes to divorce and leaving the home. Parts are good that you will have a lot on your mind as the opportunity to voluntarily leave your home presents itself. Before you decide to agree to leave the home you should talk with your spouse about the options for your family and decide whether it is truly in everyone’s best interest for you to leave. If you and your spouse are on talking terms and are not getting violent, it may be best to live in different spaces until you can attend mediation or a hearing with a judge.
Additionally, you may find that by voluntarily leaving the family home, you are giving up on some of the goals you would have otherwise had in your divorce. We have already talked about how becoming a primary conservator or even keeping the house after the divorce can largely depend on your being able to stay in the house during the initial stages of your case. For that reason, you should consider whether you have options or if leaving the house truly is the best thing for you and your family.
What to do if you have been kicked out of the house?
If you’ve already been kicked out of the family house, now is not the time to panic. Being kicked out of the home doesn’t mean that you’ll never regain access or that you’ll lose all your property. We have already discussed how Community property laws of Texas apply no matter if you were physically in possession of the house or even able to enter the home. However, finding a place to stay he’s important. While your immediate reaction may be to try to re-access the house you should be careful about doing this. Going to great lengths to get back in the house is not necessarily the best decision for you to make. You certainly should not do anything violent or attempt to break into a house if your spouse has changed the locks, for example.
What you can do is attempt to work with your spouse able to retrieve basic personal belongings. Then, you may want to reach out to an experienced family law attorney to begin filing for divorce or responding to a divorce petition that your spouse has already filed. You can speak to the attorney about the circumstances surrounding your being kicked out of the house and what you can do from there. It is likely that if your spouse has filed for divorce, he or she has already asked to judge within a motion for temporary orders to order that you should not impede their enjoyment and use of the home. You can file your counter-petition and ask for temporary orders to the same extent.
At this stage of a case, you and your spouse would likely need to work on getting a mediation date set up so that you all can begin to work on determining issues related to the family home as well as how to handle you’re being kicked out. If you ultimately determine that you should remain outside of the house, you should negotiate for an opportunity to retrieve personal items and important documents. All the while, we can begin to work on a plan related to the division of your community property as well as protecting your rights to your home and your children. Working with an experienced family law attorney is critical to this process.
Texas Laws on Marital Property Division
When it comes to divorce in Texas, understanding the laws on marital property division is crucial. Texas is a community property state, which means that property acquired during the marriage is generally subject to division in the divorce process. This holds true regardless of whose name is on the title or who physically possesses the property. The key factor is when the purchase or acquisition of the property occurred.
Imagine this: you find yourself in a situation where your spouse kicks you out of the house, changes the locks, and denies you access to your belongings. It can be a distressing and uncertain time. However, it’s important to remember that Texas community property laws protect your interests even if you are prevented from entering the home. The house, if purchased during the marriage, will be subject to division in the divorce proceedings. So, don’t lose hope. The property will need to be addressed and accounted for, regardless of the current circumstances.
Child Custody and Visitation Rights
When your spouse kicks you out of the house, one of the most critical aspects to consider is the impact on child custody and visitation rights. If you have children, your primary concern is likely to be spending time with them in the family home. However, willingly leaving the house can have unintended consequences when it comes to custody and conservatorship issues.
Let’s say you’re the father of your children, and your spouse approaches you. She asked if you’re willing to leave the house to maintain peace and calm. It may seem like the right choice to ensure your children are not exposed to conflict. However, voluntarily leaving the home can be detrimental to your chances of obtaining primary conservatorship. By leaving, you may inadvertently create the perception that you are less interested or capable of caring for your children.
To illustrate this point, imagine you aspire to become the primary caretaker for your children during and after the divorce. Leaving the home voluntarily may imply to the court that you’re not fully committed to your parental responsibilities. This perception may not align with reality, but judges may draw conclusions based on appearances. Therefore, carefully consider the impact of leaving the home, even if it seems temporarily beneficial.
Custody Arrangement | Description |
Sole Custody | One parent has primary physical and legal custody of the child. The custodial parent has the authority to make major decisions regarding the child’s upbringing, education, and healthcare. The noncustodial parent may have visitation rights or scheduled parenting time. |
Joint Custody | Both parents share physical and legal custody of the child. They collaborate on making major decisions and share parenting responsibilities. The child spends substantial time with both parents, and visitation schedules are typically agreed upon or court-ordered. |
Split Custody | In cases with multiple children, split custody involves dividing the children between the parents. Each parent has primary physical custody of at least one child. This arrangement aims to meet the unique needs and best interests of each child involved. |
Bird’s Nest Custody | This arrangement revolves around the child staying in one central home while the parents take turns residing there. The non-residential parent moves in and out of the family home according to a predetermined schedule. This provides stability for the child while minimizing disruptions. |
Temporary Custody | Temporary custody may be granted during the divorce process when the court needs to establish a custody arrangement until a final decision is made. It serves as a temporary solution and can be modified once the divorce is finalized. |
In situations where there are concerns about the child’s safety or well-being, the court may order Supervised Visitation. This involves visits with the noncustodial parent that are monitored by a designated third party, ensuring the child’s protection. |
Temporary Orders: Addressing Immediate Needs
In divorce cases where a spouse has been kicked out of the house, obtaining temporary orders becomes crucial. Temporary orders are court orders that address immediate needs during the divorce process. They can cover a wide range of issues. This includes child custody, visitation, spousal support, and exclusive use of the marital home.
If you have been kicked out of the house, don’t panic. Being removed from the home doesn’t mean you have lost everything or that your property rights have been compromised. Temporary orders can provide a way to secure your interests and protect your rights. It is essential to work with an experienced family law attorney. They can guide you through the process of filing for divorce or responding to a divorce petition filed by your spouse.
Temporary orders can play a crucial role in ensuring fair treatment and establishing a framework for the divorce proceedings. They provide an opportunity to address custody and visitation arrangements, financial support, and the use of marital property. You can navigate the divorce process with more stability and confidence by obtaining temporary orders.
Protective Orders and Domestic Violence
Unfortunately, domestic violence can be a factor in some divorces. If you’re a victim of domestic violence or fear imminent danger, seeking legal protection is essential. Protective orders serve as a safeguard for individuals and their children in abusive situations.
A protective or restraining order can provide legal measures to ensure your safety and the safety of your children. It may include provisions such as requiring the abusive spouse to stay away from you, your home, and your workplace. The order can also establish temporary custody and visitation arrangements to protect your children from harm.
Suppose you have been kicked out of the house due to domestic violence or fear for your safety. In such situations, it’s vital to seek guidance from a family law attorney experienced in handling domestic violence cases. They can guide you through the process of obtaining a protective order and help you understand your rights and options.
Mediation: Seeking Resolution Amicably
When your spouse kicks you out of your home, exploring alternative dispute resolution methods can offer advantages. Mediation is one such option. While the article briefly mentions mediation, it’s important to delve deeper into its potential benefits. Know how the process works, and its role in resolving disputes related to the family home and other divorce issues.
Mediation provides a platform for spouses to communicate and work towards mutually agreeable solutions with the help of a neutral third-party mediator. It can help facilitate productive conversations, foster understanding, and lead to compromises that both parties find acceptable. Mediation is often less adversarial and more cost-effective than going to court.
By attending mediation, you and your spouse can address issues concerning the family home, property division, child custody, and other matters in a less confrontational environment. Mediation empowers you to have a say in the outcome. It promotes cooperation and minimizing the negative effects of a lengthy court battle.
Financial Considerations: Property, Support, and Debts
Divorce requires addressing significant financial considerations. The article briefly mentions community property and separate property. However, it’s important to explore the financial aspects of divorce in more detail. This includes topics such as spousal support (alimony), child support, the division of debts, and the valuation of assets.
In Texas, community property laws dictate the division of property acquired during the marriage. This means that assets, debts, and income earned during the marriage are typically subject to equal division between spouses. If the income was earned during the marriage, it will likely classify as community property, regardless of whether the money was kept separate or the accounts were held individually.
On the other hand, separate property includes assets acquired before the marriage or during the marriage through gift or inheritance. Such property is generally not subject to division in a divorce. However, it is crucial to establish the separate nature of these assets through proper documentation and evidence.
Additionally, financial considerations encompass spousal support and child support. In cases where one spouse requires financial assistance after the divorce, the court may award spousal support, also known as alimony. Child support, on the other hand, ensures that the noncustodial parent meets children’s financial needs.
Understanding the financial implications of divorce and working with a knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate property division, support, and debt allocation in a fair and equitable manner.
Legal Representation: Guiding You Through the Process
Going through a divorce can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. That’s why seeking legal representation from an experienced family law attorney is essential. While the article mentions the importance of consulting with an attorney, it could provide additional guidance on how to choose the right attorney and what to expect during the legal process.
A skilled family law attorney will be your guide and advocate throughout the divorce proceedings. They will help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and protect your best interests. They can provide strategic advice, negotiate on your behalf, and represent you in court if necessary.
When choosing an attorney, consider their family law experience, reputation, and ability to communicate effectively. A good attorney will listen to your concerns, provide personalized advice, and work towards achieving your best possible outcome.
The Impact of Fault in Divorce Proceedings
Whilethe impact of fault is not explicitly addressed in the article, it is an important aspect to consider in divorce proceedings. Fault, such as marital misconduct, can influence property division, alimony, and child custody determinations in Texas.
In some cases, fault may be a factor when determining the division of marital property. For example, if one spouse’s actions led to the breakdown of the marriage or resulted in financial harm, the court may consider these factors when dividing property. However, it’s important to note that Texas is a no-fault divorce state, which means that a spouse doesn’t have to prove fault to obtain a divorce.
When it comes to alimony or spousal support, fault can play a role in the court’s decision. If one spouse can prove that the other engaged in adultery, cruelty, or abandonment, it may affect the amount and duration of spousal support awarded.
Fault can also impact child custody determinations. The court’s primary concern is the best interests of the child. If one parent’s actions, such as domestic violence or substance abuse, jeopardize the child’s well-being, it may influence custody decisions. However, the court will consider various factors beyond fault when determining custody, including the child’s relationship with each parent, physical and emotional needs, and stability.
It’s important to consult with an attorney to understand how fault may or may not impact your specific case. They can provide guidance based on your unique circumstances and help you navigate the legal complexities surrounding fault in divorce proceedings.
Enforcement of Court Orders: Protecting Your Rights
If you’ve been kicked out of the house, the article briefly discusses the importance of negotiating for the chance to retrieve your personal items and important documents. However, it’s important to understand the enforcement of court orders when it comes to property division, child custody, and support.
Both parties must follow court orders as they are legally binding. If a spouse refuses to comply with court orders, there are remedies available to ensure enforcement. For example, suppose one spouse fails to turn over personal belongings or important documents. In that case, you can request assistance from the court to obtain these items through informal means or the discovery process.
It’s crucial to work with your attorney to navigate the enforcement of court orders. They can help you understand your rights, assess the situation, and take appropriate legal action to protect your interests. Whether it’s seeking enforcement through contempt proceedings or filing a motion for clarification, your attorney will guide you through the process. They ensure that the court orders are upheld.
Legal Resources and Support Services
During the divorce process, it’s essential to be aware of the legal resources and support services available to you. Divorce can be emotionally and financially challenging, and seeking assistance can make the journey more manageable.
Legal resources such as pro bono legal assistance, local family law clinics, and bar association referral services can help individuals who are unable to afford private attorneys. These resources provide access to legal advice and representation for those in need.
Counseling services and support groups can also be valuable during this time. Divorce can take a toll on mental health. So, seeking professional help or connecting with others who have experienced similar situations can provide emotional support and guidance.
Remember, you don’t have to navigate the divorce process alone. Utilize the available legal resources and support services to ensure you have the necessary guidance and assistance throughout the journey.
In conclusion, when your spouse kicks you out of the house, it’s crucial to understand your rights and options. Familiarize yourself with Texas laws on marital property division, child custody, and visitation rights. Explore temporary and protective orders to address immediate needs and ensure your safety. Consider mediation as a way to resolve disputes amicably. Consider financial considerations, including property division, support, and debts. Seek legal representation to guide you through the process and understand the impact of fault in divorce proceedings. Know your rights regarding the enforcement of court orders and take advantage of available legal resources and support services. With proper knowledge and support, you can navigate the challenges of divorce and protect your interests effectively.
Conclusion: Embrace the Journey and Empower Yourself!
Congratulations on navigating the complexities of Texas divorce! From the unexpected hurdle of being kicked out of your own home by your wife to the intricacies of property division and child custody battles, you’ve faced each challenge with courage and determination.
But this journey doesn’t end here. As you conclude this adventure, remember that you have legal protections and strategies available to safeguard your rights despite the uncertainty of being locked out of your home. Seek guidance from a knowledgeable family law attorney who can advocate for you and ensure your voice is heard.
You’re not alone in this journey; draw strength from support services and the wisdom of those who have walked similar paths. Consider mediation as a peaceful resolution option, especially when children are involved, and arm yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate property division and financial matters confidently.
So, take a deep breath, don your superhero cape, and stride forward with determination. This setback doesn’t define you; you’re resilient and capable of conquering whatever challenges come your way. With hope in your heart and support by your side, embrace the opportunities that lie ahead as you reclaim your rights and find peace.
Your journey to securing your future begins now. Stay empowered, stay strong, and let the adventure unfold!
If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce”
If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!”
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, your spouse can physically remove you from the house. However, Texas community property laws protect your rights to the property, regardless of physical possession. The divorce process must address the division of the house.
While it may not be illegal to change the locks, it can have legal consequences in a divorce. Texas community property laws ensure both spouses have rights to the marital property. You can address the denial of access to the house in the divorce proceedings.
No, your spouse cannot forcibly remove you from the home. Both spouses have equal rights to the marital property in Texas. If issues arise, such as access or possession, you can resolve them through legal means like temporary orders or mediation.
If your wife leaves, it’s important to take legal steps to protect your rights. Consult with a family law attorney to understand your options, including filing for divorce, temporary orders for child custody and support, and ensuring a fair division of property.
No, Texas is not a strict 50-50 state. While Texas follows community property principles, which generally mean a fair and equitable division of marital property, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee an equal split. The court considers various factors to ensure a just division.
In a divorce, neither spouse must automatically leave the house. Both possess equal rights to the property. Temporary orders or negotiations may decide temporary possession, but the divorce proceedings typically finalize the decision.
Adultery can impact a divorce in Texas, but it’s not the sole determining factor. Texas is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you don’t have to prove fault to obtain a divorce. Depending on the specific circumstances, courts may consider adultery in property division or child custody decisions.
No, it is not illegal to cheat on your spouse in Texas. However, adultery can have consequences in a divorce, such as impacting property division or child custody decisions. It’s important to consult with an attorney to understand how it may affect your specific case.
Spouses in Texas have various legal rights. These include the right to community property, spousal support (alimony), child custody, visitation, and a fair division of debts. Consult with a family law attorney to understand your specific rights and legal options.
Bryan Fagan, a native of Atascocita, Texas, is a dedicated family law attorney inspired by John Grisham’s “The Pelican Brief.” He is the first lawyer in his family, which includes two adopted brothers. Bryan’s commitment to family is personal and professional; he cared for his grandmother with Alzheimer’s while completing his degree and attended the South Texas College of Law at night.
Married with three children, Bryan’s personal experiences enrich his understanding of family dynamics, which is central to his legal practice. He specializes in family law, offering innovative and efficient legal services. A certified member of the College of the State Bar of Texas, Bryan is part of an elite group of legal professionals committed to ongoing education and high-level expertise.
His legal practice covers divorce, custody disputes, property disputes, adoption, paternity, and mediation. Bryan is also experienced in drafting marital property agreements. He leads a team dedicated to complex family law cases and protecting families from false CPS allegations.
Based in Houston, Bryan is active in the Houston Family Law Sector of the Houston Bar Association and various family law groups in Texas. His deep understanding of family values and his professional dedication make him a compassionate advocate for families navigating Texas family law.