
Property Division in Porter

Enforcing Property Division in Porter, Texas
Once a judge finalizes a divorce decree, you must either yield certain assets to your ex-spouse or receive them. If your former spouse fails to comply with the provisions of the divorce decree pertaining to the division of the marital estate, you may be eligible to file an enforcement motion.
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Enforcing Property Division in Porter, Texas

Let Our Porter Family Law Attorney Safeguard Your Rights & Enforce Your Divorce Decree

After a judge finalizes a divorce decree in Porter, Texas, you must either give certain assets to your ex-spouse or receive them. If your ex-spouse fails to comply with the divorce decree on property division, you may file an enforcement motion.

The Law Office of Bryan Fagan ensures the terms of your divorce decree are respected in Porter. Our family lawyer in Porter reviews your case meticulously and identifies all legal options for the best result. Before seeking a court order, we can explore mediation or binding arbitration as possible solutions for enforcing property division.

dividing assets in separation

Filing for Enforcement of Property Division in Porter, TX

To enforce property division, file an “enforcement motion” with the court where the divorce was initially filed in Porter. If you and your ex-spouse now live in a different state, you may be able to file the order in your current state.

You have a two-year window from the signing of the final decree to file an enforcement motion in Porter.

Texas Divorce Property Division Enforcement

Enforcement Suits in Texas Family Law: An Overview Enforcement Suits in Texas Family Law, Part Two A Texas court can enforce property division in several ways:

  • If a spouse does not comply with the decree, the court may grant a money judgment to the aggrieved party.
  • The non-compliant spouse may be directed to transfer the disputed property, or a comparable sum of money, to the aggrieved party.
  • If a spouse fails to make a required payment, the court can order the unpaid amount to be given to the affected party.
  • The non-compliant party could face contempt charges, which can lead to imprisonment or probation.
  • The court may award attorney fees and costs to the aggrieved party.

Ready for Dividing Assets in Separation

Remember, a Texas court cannot alter the property division provision in the final divorce decree in Porter. An enforcement motion for property limits enforcement to what the decree specifies and clarifies any ambiguous aspects. If the court’s property division lacks specificity for enforcement, the judge can clarify the order to make it more specific and enforceable.

If you’re filing for or involved in property division enforcement in Porter, Texas, contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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